Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Iniezione di cancro cervicale

It was suggested to me yesterday; not for the first time that I should go get this injection that is to prevent cervical cancer. I tried very hard for this person to understand that such a suggestion should receive a reply such as "get bent".

I realise that this is a drug for women to prevent us getting cervical cancer; and is being promoted as a good thing. I think it is too soon. I don't think we are aware of the potential long term consequences of this drug. I mean smoking were promoted as healthy for you when it came out and look what we say about it now. I am not about to get jabbed with something now that a few years down the track will be proven to be the potential ruin of my 'sons' lives. Before Della again suggests that my vagina feeling it is being speculated upon; and my hormones are screaming "fertilise me fertilise me" let me continue.

Not so many years ago women were given a certain drug during pregnancies to help with morning sickness or something. It was later discovered that oops, this drug 'causes deformities and was taken off the doctors list. It was promoted as a good thing but it screwed up lives. Correct me if I am wrong... the cervix is the same area, that place that men don't have because they are men; and where our sons kinda materialise. It is a very precious place and should be cared for. Altering that place could have huge ramifications down the line, anyone that has my blood running through it's veins could have the problems this drug might 'cause... Until I know the only thing my sons will get from it is that they will be born circumsized instead of au natural (good thing for a proper Jew; or a women that wants her son's snipped and husband doesn't), I am not going to encourage anyone to do it.

And why is it that women under 25/26 get it for free; are we to dumb to question the possibilities? You can get cervical cancer at any age. Anyway it is my cervix and I'll do what I think is best for it; I am not letting it be part of a huge science project just for them to turn around and say oops. I got enough stuff to pass on to my sons then to add a new science mistake to the list and have all my offspring's offspring's offspring screwed for life.

Yes all the tests say it is ok; but that is what they have said before. I have the source of life clapped between my thighs and I am not going to mess with it, I would rather get cervical cancer and die; then create problems for everyone after me.


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