Since my latest escapades are not the most appetising conversation, I will go through with the tagging I recieved, thanks Dell, Kris.
Not sure where to start...
I had my first ambulance ride ever 3 days ago. I actually had 2 rides. Sadly I was the patient. I am practically fully recovered an feel great.
I have absolutely no idea 'who I am' or 'What I want to be'. I wanna have my own style an my own flair, but currently just frumpy. Currently trying to design a wardrobe, interia house styling, and get a rent acceptable pet (Currently thinking seahorses)
I have two books that I consult regularily:
- 'The Housewife's Handbook how to run the modern home' Rachel Simhon
- 'The Penguin Book of Etiquette' Marion Von Adlerstein
Seem to have small obsession with getting it all 'completely right'. SH* hates them, I tell him he'll appreciate it someday.
I have a big mouth... I don't tell secret's, just tend to speak things I shouldn't, or continue to ramble constantly. From a loud family circle, so have tendancy to use my loud inside voice when saying these things. Constantly worried I am speaking but no one is actually listening.
My Husband is the most important person to me in the world.
I am so glad I found him an that he wanted me too. We've had a bit of a bumpy start, but the kinks are working their way out an I am looking forward to 127 years of blissful marriage.
Domestic duties make me feel content. Unless it's cleaning. I can cook, sew, bottle, juice, scrapebook, decorate, paint for hours, but only seem to manage a half arsed job at cleaning; unless I have inspiration, then the disinfectant seems to maraculously get emptied.
I still manage to say "I am
just a housewife
at the moment..." dispite the fact I am incredably proud to be at home making sure my SH* has somewhere nice to come home too, with food ready for him, and a new toothbrush already purchased.
As the rules of the tag go, I now pick seven bloggers to share seven things themselves I don't actually know 7 bloggers, an 2 of them tagged me first so I will do my best.
ClareGlenPeteHere's what you do:
Link to your original tagger and list these rules in your post.
Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blogs.
Let them know they’ve been tagged.
Let your tagger know you've completed the meme.