Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Diary of a Devoted Wife - Entry Two

Outside my window... I can see lots of sunshine, and hear lots of birds twittering, it is beautiful.

I am thinking... About all the nice little presents I bought myself yesterday. Real bottling jars and a book on cheese making. Can't wait for them to arrive, please hurry Aus Post!

I am thankful for... That no one was badly hurt in the motorbike accident last night. Sheered his front wheel completely off, an only appeared to have got a grazed leg.

I am wearing... My orangey/red and purple Moroccan dress.

I am Reading... Ball's Blue Book of Preserving.

I am Creating... Food glorious food! Don't care what it looks like!

One of my favourite things... My huge stock pot that I process my bottling in

For education this week...That when I think Centrelink is taking forever to get through the line of people, there are at least 20 people that arrived after I did.

A keeper at home skill I am using/learning Walking... pretty much got a handle on it though.
A spiritual lesson I’m learning

A godly character trait I plan to work on Idleness (the opposite of)

For the rest of the weekMust catch up on house work :(


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