Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Common Household Dieseases

There is a terribly dreadful disease in my home. One so terribly that people fear to utter it's name incase they become afflicted. My house has been so badly afflicted that I would scream it from the roof tops.

"Piles of Dirty Dishes!"

I must give SH* credit, whilst I have been ill, he has looked after me very well. And my sister-in-law visited whilst I was ill and vaccinated all the dirty dishes. But somehow that just wasn't enough.
I don't know how it happens, I am sure washed them only yesterday. Yesterday was Tuesday... Tuesday must of been a week ago.
Oh Well time to vaccinate again.

Big birds have little birds; Big fish have little fish; Why can't big sinks have little sinks, instead of Dirty Dishes?


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