Nerd lussuria
If one can find a back up soul mate; without offending the first; I think I found him. Rands in Repose, is his name and I been rifling through him all morning, mostly trying to find a flaw in our compatibility, I have not found a flaw an now I think I am in love.
It was The Nerds Handbook that first had me hooked. This was followed by Nadd wich was closely followed by the cave. Or was it the other way around I don't remember any more. If I thought reading The nerds handbook would have any positive affect upon my relationship with others I would make all the people that 'care' read it, as it won't I won't specifically send them to it. He makes me proud to wear the title nerd. I have meet a number of nerds to different degrees of nerdidity, an his descriptions of us have us warmly classified and understood.
I have also finally discovered what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a free electron. I'm not sure if I have the natural ability for it, but there is a chance I could mould my stubborn streak to be head banging on break wall enough for it. Check with my mother but I think she would say I have the temprement for it.
If you want to read more about my new love you will find him on the right. Rands e riposo if you still rusty on your Italian.
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