Sunday, 16 December 2007

Voglio andare verde, di nuovo

Yes I know I have tried going green before. I also know I am such a lazy git that the probability that I will stay green long is kinda low well not on my own anyway. Want to know what I hate most about going green? A product that is seen on the shelves says buy me I am green. You think yay pull it down turn it over and you can not read the ingredients list. Sure I think it is in English; I know enough French and Italian to know it isn't in those. Honestly why do they have to say sodium chloride when they mean salt? Sure if they put it in straight normal English I might sit down one day and make my own; but I am to lazy and busy to do that all the time. If I like it I will be back for more. An so is pretty much everyone else. Yes you have those competitors that will steal your product, but they are already doing that to your product in China anyway (plus adding horrible extra chemicals) least if they do it here we can go pound their bum to dust for being non-Australian (wow this is turning racist too).

Anyway I have been looking around; I did like my previous products that I was buying when I was green. But they were all in glass containers and whilst this is a nice thing. Glass and travel are not necessarily a good combination especially with travel rules etc. I can just see it "No ma'am you can't take your hand cream with you, it is a glass container you might stab the pilot with it; I am aware it is the size of a 20 cent piece but I am going to have to throw it out. I don't care that it cost you $50 it is the rules." Anyway I digress, as I am planning on doing a lot of travelling, ok so hoping to do a lot of travelling (as there aren't actually cemented plans for it) glass really isn't the way to go. So I am looking for alternatives; and this time I was also thinking of going a little further then just hair and body products; was thinking adornment products (make up) and cleaning products... much better then thinking I am going to die with the amount of chlorine and stuff that traditional cleaning stuff has in it.

problem is, I can't find anything in my state let alone nearby area. Today's searching has me headed for Queensland... Can't exactly wander up to Queensland every time I run out of toilet cleaner and shampoo.

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