That is it! I am going on Strike!
I am not going to do anymore then the bare minimumn until the program I implimented to make everybodies lives a little easier by showing the all the information in the same place, (an not exceptionally unique idea) and also keep track of all the orders is being used. Orders are constantly coming through that do not have their information there and people expect me to find the details that they know in their heads.
I am tired of tracking down emails that have the shipping address on it which could have been copy and pasted straight in. I am tired of searching the white pages for companies that aren't in there, because you didn't spell it right in the first place. Or trying to remember what person a sample is supposed to go to when I don't talk to your customer and not done anything for your customer in anyway shape or form and thus will never be able to remember because it is not to be found in my head!
Your Chinese I am sure you understands this one, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" If you don't start drinking I am going to pull your head under and hold you there till you drown! In main I made this program to make my life a whole lot easier but over all it should make every bodies a whole lot easier because we won't be losing clients and you can stop blaming me because an order was incorrect. Are you afraid people will discover how incompetent you are?!?! I already know and your no smarter then the rest of them! So whilst I would fire you, they won't so you will keep your job.
I realize your all a bunch of lazy arses and the idea of entering data on a client is a pain, but if you do it this once you can send stuff to the client as many times as you want after that and guess what; you don't have to enter any more details, unless there are changes like they moved address, then it a tiny adjustment.
Also Why can't you remember your ABC's?!?!? You learnt them in preschool! Easy as ABC, 123 and Do Ra Me! All the little tabs in your folders that say the alphabet letters on them, you don't have to be a genius to figure that if it says A you put all the company's that start with A behind that tab, same for the B's and so on!
An while we are at it STOP LEAVING YOUR QUOTES ON MY DESK! If you put your quote in the program I wouldn't need to see it for a start. 2 it ends up on my desk for months and months with no home no owner and is just a big giant pain! I WILL THROW THEM OUT!
Lastly, I might be the receptionist by title but I am so much smarter then you, so stop blaming me when things go wrong! Else next time you stuff up your computer I am not going to help you! An if you continue to whine (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) I am going to slap you and tell you what I think of you and that is "Go get a computer class, computers have advanced since 1982. You now work for a small company thus we don't have the money for big out of house created programs. Pull your head out your arse and learn to use other programs other then outlook and stop complaining that the program isn't working, it's not working because your an idiot. You are lucky to have me and I am only learning computers in a serious way, but I have a long fuse and excellent temper and I WILL TAKE IT OUT ON YOU!"