Talked a few nights back with a class mate from Italian; about how sometimes you are curious about things, you'd not do them but you wanna know what happens etc.
He was curious to know what it would be like to be bitten by a snake (a poisonous one) - He actually got his curiosity fulfilled, immense pain I believe does not cover what he went through.
Another class mate was curious to know what it would be like to break an arm (I to am slightly curious).
I want to know what would happen if me and a mate drove side by side down a 2 lane main road at a speed of 20k's during peak hour. Would we create our own little procession? Would there be loud obnoxious joyful honks from the cars behind? Would people pass us on the wrong side of the road? Would we be published on the radio helicopter traffic reports? Would police get involved?
Any other people have desires that are kinda odd that they likely not find out about?
breaking your arm is not fun. i have done it twice.
the car thing will get you in trouble with the police and cause serious accidens, probably several broken arms, i have seen that shit happen. Its not funny its stupid and selfish really. traffic is shitty enough. But i was happy to watch the people going too slow get arrested.
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