Well I finally did it. I had the conversation that you have been encouraging me to have for a very very long time. I sat down with my mother and told her how bad our relationship was, these where the area's I saw that needed being fixed and if the relationship did not improve that the current relationship was not going to be permitted in my home.
The conversation started at about 6pm and didn't end until about 10:30.
In the end I am not sure the out come of the conversation. As she has told me she is not sure that she can talk to me at all because she'll be so worried I'll take it the wrong way because I am so super sensitive. But she did hear the consequence of not making an effort to treat me properly.
Anyway we'll see how it goes, one down one to go. Self centred pompous spoilt little bitch next.
I'm glad she didn't kill you :)
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