Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Varrom rom rom !!

My bike (also my buffet in the back ground). Never fear, this is not what the garage at my home looks like. This is in fact the inside of my house (the back room). My mother got parinod upon it's arrival that someone would steal it from around the back of the house while it wasn't insured. If someone had braved the wilds of the side of our house, they deserved to steal my bike.

(This is no long the case as I have beaten a track through to get out every day).

I finally made the whole trip to work today. In the wet. I must say I had forgotten what cold could feel like at 60k's an our. But I felt confident an figure for my 3rd drive anywhere I did quite well. Still tend to wobble a bit when I take off, and I hate that slow siddiling up to the car in front that cars do at traffic lights, but other wise I am on the road (I am the one in a purple an yellow lakers jacket on a red bike (I suspect I stand out))

Just got to convince my Fiance to get his license an we can go on a scooting road trip.


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