Sunday, 22 June 2008


I've been told if I get married anywhere else other then Sydney, the majority of my family will not attend...

Kinda shows that my existence, happiness and importance in my family is slim to none. Kinda puts into my mind that I am not just imagining my insignificance, but rather it is a reality.

I do admit I can think of members of my family that whilst I would invite them wouldn't come, but then their children married and we didn't even get invited. So honestly it is no skin off my nose. My mother is determined to have a large showing of family, but really I don't think I could care. If they can't make the effort to be my family and be there for my celebration of happiness, I don't think they should rate on my scale of importance either.

I'd already decided this in the case of a few individuals in my family, why can't it go for all of them? A good reason or goodbye....


Peter Ansell

awww... what does cioa mean btw ;) ciao?



it means salve e bonguirono e arrivadela e bonasera e bonanoghte arriveditche... please excuse bad spelling

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